Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Are Electronic Cigarettes Economical?

Electronic cigarettes have been the best alternative to tobacco cigarettes as of late. There are multiple electronic cigarette companies available around the world, which validates the electronic cigarette is here to stay. If you search online, you will get a good idea on which e-cigs are the best, how to choose them, how much they cost, and other important details. It is very important to know how much electronic cigarettes cost in comparison to traditional cigarettes as the results could help determine which is the better choice for you – traditional cigarettes or electronic cigarettes. Which one is actually cheaper? Well, I hope you are spending your money on electronic cigarettes because e-cigs are cheaper compared to smoking traditional cigarettes. E-cigs are usually priced at around $24.99 and may even go as high as $199, but most electronic cigarette smokers spend on the lower side of this price range. Basically, you will get a rechargeable lithium ion battery, an atomization chamber, nicotine cartridges, and a USB charger. Usually, the cost of the e-cig devices and accessories depends on the durability and longevity.

In addition, the batteries provided by the manufacturer are important factors when considering cost. If you have great batteries, it can last for several months or more. Jasperandjasper.com provides rechargeable lithium-ion batteries which are excellent and very durable. Considering the fact that you are able to use some components in the e-cig kits over and over, the electronic cigarette is actually economical.

With a starter kit, you can get all the necessary accessories, batteries and some cartridges which will help you to test the product. In fact, Jasper and Jasper has teamed up with Murphy Oil stores in Austin, Texas and will be giving out a pack of free cartomisers which is equates to 4-packs of traditional cigarettes for every customer who purchases the Xplorer Kit.

One really great benefit of the electronic cigarette is that most come equipped with disposable cartridges with a built in atomizer so no maintenance or cleaning is needed. The e-cig users can also be informed of the amount of nicotine an e-cigarette holds. It is very important for a user to know how much nicotine is perfect for him. However, the tobacco smokers unfortunately do not know this information and usually end up paying for more than just the expensive habit of smoking. 

In summary, electronic cigarettes are convenient, economical, and are definitely the healthier choice in comparison to traditional cigarettes. The benefits in this alternative smoking gadget are huge. Not only do you save yourself from the hazards of tobacco chemicals, but you also spare your loved ones, family members, and practically all people around you from the dangers of second-hand smoke. You will also improve the way you look which means no more yellow stains in your teeth and fingernails; no more lines of premature wrinkles, and no more awful cigarette smell in your hair, breathe and clothes. The electronic cigarette is the undisputed winner if you enjoy smoking. If you are a traditional cigarette smoker, doesn’t it make sense to choose a healthier alternative that looks and tastes like a traditional cigarette, but without the side effects the traditional cigarettes have proven to cause? Go grab your e cigarette kit today!

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